
Specializing in manufacturing hydraulic breakers and excavator attachments.

We. Kwanglim Powertech Co., have ever struggled to manufacture the excellent quality products of Hydraulic breakers and excavator attachmensts by means of our fairly accumulated know-how and advanced technology along with our perpetual challenge and innovation for the past several years, in a bid to accomplish our supreme goal for giving our clients satisfaction to the full.

Our dauntless spirit and strong passion for the challenge and renovation have brought about the outcome which is yielded the quality products of our Hydraulic breakers and excavator attachments, and finally have led up to the momentum enabling us to take off the leading global firm.

Now, we are ceaselessly endeavoring to enhance the performance of our Hydraulic breakers and excavator attachments all the more, efficiently adapted to optimize every excavator for the purpose of realizing the growth of the whole construction equipments as well as our end-users' gratification in the long run.


12-8, Bokhyeon-ri, Ochang-eup, Cheongwon-gu, Cheongju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do, Korea | Tel: +82-43-222-0077 H.P: +82-10-4055-3004
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